Happy cozy winter vibes! And happy new year 😀

It’s that time, when all the blogs and vlogs and reels and tiktoks rave about goal setting and plans and 12-week years and getting shit done! And I am… another one of those people, hehe. 🙈

Yes, I’ve posted a vlog about my 2024 book plans and author goals and the whole shebang! But I figured I should post it here as well to let you know what is coming up this year from my little corner of the Internet. So without further ado…

Goal 1: Publish Three Books

The first two of these books will for sure be episode 4 and 5 of A Series of Souls. The ongoing saga of hurting poor Golden heroes with all the emotional pain. 5’s not looking great for our lovelies, just saying. Eek.

Regardless of the angst, both novellas will be completed and released THIS YEAR! Episode 4 is close to final, so will most likely publish late February. Number 5 is still up in the air due to timing of “life things,” but I’m shooting for a late Q2 release. Which is FAST for me. But also… not too bad. We’re going to push for it.

The third book I want to publish is still an unknown. I’m working on another serialized series, so could release the first novel of that journey OR work on episode 6 of A Series of Souls and ramp up the torment for Cassidy and Kane. (Episode 6 is gruesome guys.)

I’m not decided, but a third book will be happening! So hope you look forward to more adventures 🙂

Goal 2: Release Physical Copies

Pretty straightforward and one that I KNOW I can get done in the first quarter. I’ve done the research, I have my notes. I just need a day or two to hunker down and do it. It’s going to happen, I promise! Paperbacks will be coming your way. 😉

Goal 3: Make $100 from my Series

My books don’t sell terribly well. So I’m shooting for a specific target to meet by the end of the year simply to give myself a target at all. Operating without a true monetary goal in mind has led to lackluster effort in the marketing department. The latter half of the year will be focused on marketing and getting the series in front of eyes as much as I can. I’m sure I can hit beyond $100, but I also have no evidence to back that up. So? I’m shooting low, but specific.

January Plans?

So far this first month, stepping into the wintry crisp air, I’ve toiled with lofty goals and dashed hopes. My list of goals was WAY longer on my first draft. Most times when I’m setting goals, I aim way too high. After a week of overwhelm and stagnant progress on those lofty goals, I tugged my head down from the clouds and got serious. Dreams and reality aren’t going to meet all at once. Have to take small steps.

This month, I’m aiming for this blog to post, my accompanying video to post, a few social posts, and getting Episode 4 to beta readers. I’ve never worked with official beta readers before, only friends and family. So hoping to learn something new and not become totally paralyzed by the new experience. Wish my luck! *nervous grin*

Anyhoo, those are my plans for the month, the quarter, and the year!

Here’s to a fantastic, safe winter and cozy goal chasing.

Cheers! 🥂
