Copyright © 2024 by Brittany Noelle

Copyright Statement

Out on the lawn, Landon unlocks Simon’s car to drive it down the driveway and give us somewhere to wait out Penn’s plan far from the house. Everyone fumbles with their clothes to redress now that we know the true reason for the attacks. Once clothed, Simon settles in the passenger seat beside Landon, while Bethany and Jordan huddle close together in the back. Both girls send me flickering stares, Jordan disdainful and Bethany confused, as they whisper together. Harry leans against the side of the car, staring at the house with a fatigued questioning stare darkening his brow.

Landon leans out the driver’s seat to me, pointing at Penn. “He okay?”

Penn paces back and forth on the front lawn, pushing his sticky hair out of his face and muttering again.

I lean back on the car beside Landon. “He says he has a plan.”

“What? Pacing a trench in the yard?” Landon snorts.

I cross my arms. “He’ll figure it out.”

“I’m not holding my breath,” Landon says, leaning back in his seat. “Unless there’s a kiss involved.”

I knock a hand against his arm again and push off the car to join Penn.

Under the moonlight, his sticky hair shines as if oiled and slicked back. I guess mine looks much the same. Evidence of our shared adventure. But not a vote of confidence for the others. “What’s the plan?” I ask, interrupting his pacing by standing in his path.

Penn stops. “I have to find the portal. The tear they entered through.”

“And then?” I study his gray stare. “What’ll that tell you?”

He shrugs. “Maybe nothing. Maybe something. It’s hard to say before I find it.”

“What if those things leave the house? What if they spread?”

Penn’s eyes twinkle. “Good question.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I! You ask good questions, Acantha Sword. Never forget that.”

I cross my arms. “Well, that sounds like a dramatic movie goodbye if I ever heard one.”

Penn shrugs. “It could be. But then again, I’ve said many goodbyes prematurely.” A thought captures him for a long moment, drawing him somewhere else yet again.

I have to keep him talking, keep him moving. “This isn’t goodbye, magic-man.”

Penn’s brows rise high over his eyes. “Ohhhh, I like that.”

I smile at his renewed energy. “Plan. What is it?”

He turns back to the house. “I’ll find the tear. Don’t worry. And then I’ll… I’ll handle them. Yes.”

“What does that mean?”

“Something dangerous. Or splendid. Hard to tell yet.”

“Can’t you just give me a direct answer?” I step back into his vision. “Everything you’ve done and showed me has been… wonderful.”

Penn beams.

“But also, a lot.” I step closer, lowering my voice. “And I’m guessing you don’t let just anyone into your, uh…”

“My study. I don’t really have a specific name for it.”

“Study, sure. Let’s go with that.” I point at my chest. “You sent me a letter. You said you would only do that if you trusted me. Right?”

“They are reserved for a select few, yes.”

“So, why not tell me? I can help.”

The magic-man smiles. Sad and weary. He looks me up and down, appraising and searching and brow bent. “I do. Trust you. It’s very… strange. For me.”

“So let me help.”

“No.” Penn adjusts his sleeves along his tattooed arms, not giving any more information.

And it’s only then that I realize. Touching my neck, I search him for the growth of inked roots that were there when I first met him. Now, his neck lays bare in the moonlight, untouched by the strange black roots. “Does your tattoo change?”

Penn smiles without looking at me. He starts for the front door, steps determined in his dress shirt and red boxer shorts. “Don’t come after me. I’ll handle this. And then I’ll tell you, yes?”

I sigh. “Just tell me now!”

Penn waves a hand behind then disappears inside Excalibur.

Torn, I wait in the grass. I want to go after him. See this mystery to its end. But whatever waits for him on the other side of that door, I don’t know a thing about. Sure, I’m the one who put the pieces together, but that doesn’t mean I can see the full picture. Not like he seems to.

Plus, I don’t want to risk another creepy-crawly attack. No matter how “harmless” Penn says they are. Goosebumps sprout across my skin at the thought of those bugs wandering my body, diving down my throat.

“Be careful,” I mutter after him, squeezing my necklace charm.

I return to the others and settle back against the car. It’s easy to follow Penn’s movements through the windows. Until he’s gone from this side of the house.

At my side, Harry asks, “Who is this guy?”

I grit my teeth. “Penn.”

“How… does he know all this stuff?”

Sighing, I push off the car. “I don’t know. Okay?” I meet all their eyes through the car as well. “I don’t know who he is, what he’s doing. I’m just as much in the dark as you guys.”

“But he talks to you,” Simon points out.


“He’s never talked to us. Ever,” Bethany says. She swallows hard, throat probably still rough after her own attack of the creepy-crawlies. “I think I’ve only ever seen him twice before tonight.”

“What if he brought those gross things here?” Jordan says.

Landon and Harry meet eyes, both seeming intrigued with the idea.

I hold up my hands. “He didn’t bring them here.”

“How do you know?” Jordan exits the car on the other side to round the back and talk face to face. Crossing her tanned arms, she strikes a firmly planted pose, obviously ready for a confrontation. “He could have concocted this entire thing. He drove Sarah crazy. Could be forcing us out of the house.”

“For what?”

“Who the hell knows! But it’s a little weird that he’s the only one with answers. Talking about things that don’t exist.”

“You saw what happened to Bethany and Simon. You think he’s making it up? You think they’re lying?”

“Of course not,” Jordan spits.

“Then what?” I don’t back down. “He’s the only one that even has a clue of what to do. If he wasn’t here, we’d all probably be dead.”

“Whoa now,” Landon cuts in, stepping between. “Let’s cool it on the dead talk.”

“Maybe you’re in on it, too,” Jordan snaps around Landon.

I throw up my arms. “In on what?”

“Some insurance scam. Or you drugged us. I don’t know, but none of this makes any sense, and it only started after he showed up two weeks ago!” Jordan rounds toward the car, shouting at Simon through the open driver’s side door. “Evict him. He isn’t safe.”

“Wait, no—” I start.

But Simon nods. “I know,” he says, with a hoarse voice.

“Wait, c’mon. Simon. He saved your life.” I search them all for help but find none.

“Actually, that was you,” Simon says. He also gets out of the car and joins us in the grass. “There are other reasons to kick him out. He doesn’t take part in the weekly cooking. He doesn’t do any chores.”


“Maybe he’s some genius, I don’t know.” Simon shrugs. “We’ll put it to a vote.” He glances around the group. “Who wants him to stay?”

I roll my eyes but raise my hand. “This is ridiculous,” I say, until I realize mine is the only vote. I eye Bethany, who turns away, then Landon.

The handsome boy shakes his head with a sheepish smile. “Bad vibes, Sword. Guy’s a trip, but… not roomie material.”

Chest tight, I point behind to the looming three-story house. “He’s in there saving our lives right now.”

Landon’s smile drops, following my finger. “Uh, maybe he’s not.”

I spin around and search the windows for Penn’s figure. But find only flickering lights and then a burst of electricity sparking off the satellite dish atop the roof.

“In the car,” Landon instructs.

Everyone moves on his command, but I march toward Excalibur.

“Acantha!” he calls after me.

But I refuse to leave Penn behind. I hurry up the front steps and reach for the knob. Another surge of energy consumes the house in a humming crescendo. Until every light pops, then vanishes beyond the windows.

“Penn!” I shout, rushing into the darkness.

Author’s Note:

Oof, roomie drama. Been there >.<

Lives are at stake, guys. Let’s all chill. At least until we know if we’re dying or not, yeah?

Thanks for reading! ^_^