Copyright © 2024 by Brittany Noelle

Copyright Statement

At the coffee shop Monday morning, I sit across from Simon and Bethany, fingertips tapping the sides of my steaming cup of black coffee and sugar. Landon and Jordan wait at the counter, while Harry thumbs through his phone at the other table I snagged for our group. Instead of speaking, we pass yawns back and forth. Even after I let everyone know the house was safe to sleep in, I’m sure no one slept a wink. I know I didn’t.

Landon and Jordan finally join us. “We all look like shit,” Landon says, raising his cup between the two tables. “But happy first day of university, guys. Woo!”

His morning-person energy draws a bunch of other customer eyes our way, but I raise my cup, too. “Woo hoo,” I add. Lame and boring, but he sends me a grateful nod.

No one really perks up, and we go our separate ways once Harry stands to leave. None of us have the same first class, it seems. Or at least, none of them have mine. I walk the meandering sidewalks and follow posted maps to each building throughout the day. Equipped with my red pen and Eudora’s necklace. Determined to make this work. I try to pay attention to every syllabus rundown, every professor’s expectation, every compliment about my flowy turquoise skirt and sleeveless blouse. But even with the spark of fire-moths giving me hope, the world still feels… gray.

All day I search my classmates, unsure why, until I can finally return to Excalibur, stomach twisting with a thrill, and realize who I was looking for.

The impossible magic-man.

Stepping inside the shared house, it’s clear someone other than Landon is cooking dinner tonight. Whatever is stuck to the bottom of the thrifted pot is burning, and I throw Bethany a side smile in the kitchen. “Need help?”

“No, no, I got it,” she assures, scraping the bottom of the pot with a metal spoon. “We might be, uh, having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at this rate, though.”

“Sounds delish.”

She brightens and drops the pot into the sink. “Dinner in fifteen.”

“Perfect.” I hurry up the stairs to drop off my bag and change into comfier clothes. But when I make it to the third floor, my eyes zero in on the last door on the right.

It’s standing ajar.

I jog over, excited to see Penn again, unload my mountain of questions on him. But when I push open the door, there’s no red-light study, no mugs of tea, no disappearing ceiling. Just an empty bedframe and a normal human key left on a small, normal human desk.

“He’s gone,” Simon says behind me.

I spin around and scan Simon’s blue eyes for explanation, mouth not working at first. “What do you mean?”

“He broke his lease. Well, he… ripped up the contract and said, ‘Farewell fragile human’ and then threw the bits all over the lawn like confetti.”

I shake my head. “And he just… left?”


I search the empty room again, gut growing heavy. What did I expect? A traveler like that, someone who can go anywhere in the world and beyond, waiting around for little old me?

“I thanked him. For what he did.” Simon shuffles his feet. “I still don’t fully understand what happened. Or why you were involved. But. I guess I should thank you, too.”

I shake my head. “I just shed a few perfectly timed tears. That’s all.” I wipe under my eyes to keep the oncoming weeping away.

“Wow. He, uh, made an impression on you, huh?”

“He didn’t to you?” Crossing my arms, I head to my room. “He’s… I don’t know.” I can’t find the proper word to encapsulate Penn. “Interesting.”

“Yeah. Got that.” Simon’s shoulders deflate, but he pulls a red envelope from his pocket and hands it out to me. “He said this was for you.”

Breath leaves my chest. I snatch the letter away and read the looping silver script. For the sad girl. My smile is so wide it hurts.

“See you at dinner?” Simon asks.

“Uh, sure, I’ll be…”

Simon’s already turning away before I answer.

A piece of me feels bad. But not a big piece.

Quickly, I rush into my room and pull out the thick red letter.


Acantha Sword,

I cordially invite you to evening tea after your long first day of classes.

I promise there will be no book throwing this time. At least not at your head.



I can’t help but laugh. But there are no instructions on how to find him. Facing my bedroom door, I wonder. I hope.

Carefully, I close it completely, release the knob. Count to three. Then twist it open again.

A wave of citrus tea steam wafts over me. And the red study appears.

At the messy, book-riddled desk in the center, Penn finishes pouring from a teapot into a mug and lifts it up toward me. “I see you got my invitation, Ms. Sword.” He straightens his red vest of worlds and gives a soft bow. “I have a proposition for you.”

I step inside, skin tingling, lungs expanding. Every muscle releases the dread of the day as I smile and pull the door closed. “And I have questions, magic-man.”


To be continued…

Author’s Note:

Do you have questions? So do I 😅 But I’m sure we’ll figure it out together along the way.

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked this story, please let me know in the comments so I know to keep up with this story in the future ^_^

Off to writing episode two!

💙 Thanks again Reader 💙