Hi hello—

Since the beginning, A Series of Souls has been the foundation for an expanded world. Another whole series was written down long before ASOS was even a thought. And for almost every character in ASOS I have plans to drop them into their own standalone or even serialized adventures. There are so many words I want to write in this grand, soul-magic universe about lonely souls finding their families and purpose.

But… I’m feeling disconnected from ASOS itself.

Part of the reason I’m feeling disconnected is because of the big edit I have ahead of me for episode 4. Of course. There’s a hard road block in the way of releasing one of my favorite episodes of the series so far which translates into a easy procrastination excuse.

But also, I see how I’ve grown as a creative and author since starting this series in 2021. And… I want to redo the whole thing.

It’s hard to reread the first three episodes and see all the glaring amateur writing but also the plot holes and poor lore or magic explanations. A large issue I see is Adrienne and her personality versus her backstory. Also how Kane feels about her and how they work together or butt heads.

That whole plot is a mess. 😔

I also wanted to dive more into Lorelei and the Lodge itself, but didn’t. I leaned more on plot than character, which makes me sad.

Currently, I’m working on short stories and other books outside of this universe. And the writing quality is getting better. I feel like I’m in a leveling-up stride.

Yet the ASOS universe looms heavy above it all. This large project blaring down with neon light on every word I write, begging to be written.

So. I’m at a crossroads with Cassidy and her mystical family. I’m not done with them but I’m feeling… disconnected.

I don’t want to say I’m on a break, but I am pausing on episode 4 and the other projects in the world. So I guess that is the definition of a break. Ha 😅

Right now, I’m focusing on the website and free content for the site in the upcoming months. After that system is in place, I want to return to ASOS and figure out its path forward. Unpublishing and rewriting? Pushing forward as is? Moving on entirely? It’s so hard to say right now when I’m feeling pulled creatively toward shorter stories and learning more craft skills.

Stay tuned for updates on this series, but also on new stories soon to be posted here on the website 😊

Talk soon,
