Hi hello— 

Why do we like serialized stories? 

I think on a fundamental level, our puny lizard brains don’t like open loops. Whenever we have something left undone, unsaid, unlived, it lingers in the mind like a splinter between thoughts. Closure is very important to our emotional stasis. 

Serialized storytelling plays with this mental looping mechanism. Opening story loops, looping them around each other, knotting some around disparate other plot or character arc knots, until finally closing half a dozen threads… only to open three dozen more. The art of opening and closing of story loops is addictive. It’s why Game of Thrones was such a roller coaster cultural phenomenon. We had gotten used to the usual loops of a hero hitting antagonistic forces but coming out stronger in the end. Not so in Westeros. Even a genuine hero doesn’t have plot armor in the land of dragons and political warfare. 

I would argue Game of Thrones, and shows like it, tickle our brains yes, but we still crave the familiar, predictable, maybe even boring loops of comedy beat then payoff or case of the week then mystery solved. Straight episodic television has persisted even through the streaming revolution of serialized storytelling. 

Also, I think we just like hanging out with familiar characters every week. Seeing what they’re up to. Getting updates on their fantastical or stressful lives without having to experience it ourselves. And maybe we learn some life lessons or are able to travel to a faraway galaxy or fantasy world for an hour or two to escape our own stresses. Seeing the same faces and adventures every week is comforting. Loops opening and closing on a rhythm. 

At least, these reasons are why I like serialized and episodic storytelling. And why I’m so drawn to writing them. Returning to the same characters to follow their journey through life brings a warmth to my heart. A connection to this other world, but also to everyone else watching/reading the same story. These ongoing stories bridge so many people together through fandoms and fanfiction and fan theory videos/message boards/blogs. Exchanging ideas that came out of someone’s head! 

If ever there was a magic on earth, storytelling is truly it.   

Given all this, I’m happy to share that I have been working on a project within the serialized realm the past few months around moving and other life events. Starting in May, an episode will be dropping on this website in separated chapters or parts Mondays through Fridays. I’m so excited to have an ongoing serial going on the website. It’s been the dream since I started and I just never took the leap to make it a reality for reasons I can get into in another post. But for now, I’m happy to announce this update and can’t wait to hear what you think! 

Talk soon,
